Whalen Farms | Fresh Fruit | Shamong, NJ

Whalen Farms

Frozen Blueberries available in pints, 20 & 30 lb boxes         Frozen Cranberries available in 12 oz and 3 lb bags



Whalen Farms LLC is offering you a healthy snack by providing you with fresh cranberries in season or frozen cranberries all year long.


Find the best fresh blueberries that you can enjoy in multiple fashions, including baking them into your favorite breakfast treats.


Discover new additions and wholesome meals to serve your friends and family with our great fresh fruit recipes.

Who We Are

Whalen Farms LLC in Shamong, New Jersey, is a fresh fruit company specializing in farm-grown cranberries and blueberries, both fresh and frozen. Since 1985, we've only produced the freshest products to deliver to the wholesale market.

Contact us in Shamong, New Jersey, to request more information about our fresh fruit farm.

Cranberry Available Times:
October - December

Blueberry Available Times:
June - August

Frozen Fruits Available
All Year

All Growing Done Using Integrative Pest Management * State-of-the-Art Packing Facility * Blueberries Shipped Nationwide & to Canada



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